The water level in Lake Houston is 41.18 ft

Lake level updated 03-24-25 04:30 AM

The City of Houston and CWA entered into a contract on January 1, 1996 for CWA to maintain and operate the Lake Houston Pump Station and the West Canal.

The Lake Houston facilities transport water from Lake Houston to the City’s East Water Purification Plant and also provide untreated water to industries and agricultural customers along the West Canal.

CWA 24-hour Operations Center

Lake Houston Dam
Lake Houston Dam
Lake Houston Dam
Lake Houston Dam

Lake Houston FAQs

What is the normal pool level of Lake Houston?2023-03-01T16:03:06-06:00

42.4 ft

What is the current water level in Lake Houston?2024-05-17T16:36:24-05:00

The water level in Lake Houston is 41.18 ft

Lake level updated 03-24-25 04:30 AM
What aquatic vegetation does CWA treat on Lake Houston?2023-03-01T16:08:09-06:00

Coastal Water Authority periodically conduct assessments to target invasive/nuisance species on Lake Houston to protect the City of Houston’s raw water intake structures. CWA does NOT treat private canals or properties. The target species are the following:

  • Floating Type:
    • Water Hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes)
    • Water Lettuce (Pistia stratiotes)
    • Common/Giant Salvinia (Salvinia molesta)
  • Emerging Type:
    • Crested Floating Heart (Nymphoides crestata)
    • American Lotus (Nelumbo lutea)
  • Submerge Type:
    • Hydrilla (Hydrilla verticillate)
Does CWA remove debris?2023-03-01T16:08:42-06:00

Debris removal from Lake Houston is not a CWA assigned function. The responsibility for any removal of floatable trash or debris in Lake Houston, its channels, or its tributaries would lie with the abutting property owner, their HOA, or can be reported to the City of Houston’s 3-1-1 Help and Information Service.

What weather resources are available?2024-05-16T16:37:12-05:00

The City of Houston Office of Emergency Management

Harris County Flood Warning System

National Weather Service

National Weather Service – Advanced Hydrologic Prediction Service

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