
The Board of Directors of the Coastal Water Authority(CWA) holds its regular meeting on the 2nd Wednesday of each month at 10:00 AM in the CWA conference room located at 1801 Main Street, Suite 800, Houston, Texas 77002.

Meeting FAQs

Where can I park at 1801 Main Street?2023-07-14T08:59:04-05:00

1801 Main Parking Garage Notice

  • The entrance to 1801 Main Street’s parking garage is located along the Fannin St side of the building. Guest parking is available on the 1st floor (Right gate) or 2nd floor (Left and Middle gate) in the spots marked for guest parking.
  • Parking on the 1st floor is limited and will require you to exit the garage and re-enter on Fannin St to access the 2nd floor parking. In the event all of the guest spots are occupied, the top floor of the garage is also available for guest parking.
When are CWA’s board meetings? Are they open to the public?2023-03-01T15:51:34-06:00

Coastal Water Authority holds its regular meeting of the Board of Directors on the 2nd Wednesday of every month at 10:00 A.M. Meetings are open to the public and are located in the CWA Conference Room at 1801 Main St, Suite 800, Houston, TX 77002. (Note: For those board meeting days that fall on a Holiday, please check CWA’s website for the revised meeting date – the start time will remain at 10:00 A.M.)

Please check the meetings page for agendas and minutes of the meetings.

How can I request to make a public comment?2023-03-01T15:52:39-06:00

A request for public comment can be made through our Contact Us form or speakers can sign in on the Public Comments sheet on the day of the board meeting. Preferably, notice of a public comment should be submitted through the website a week prior to the next scheduled board meeting. Public comments received after the meeting has started will not be permitted. Please note that speakers are limited to 2 minutes.

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